Our Baby Boy Is 10 Months Old
Our baby boy is 10 Months Old! Double digits!! Goodness thats hard to say. It's so bittersweet watching him grow. Every stage has become my new favorite, 10 months old has been so much fun, he's a little giggle box, he grabs my face and opens his mouth to give me a kiss, he stands holding on with one hand and has started letting go, he pulls up on everything, can scoot across furniture standing up, still crawling everywhere, exploring and venturing out, mama is his favorite and hes still dealing with some separation anxiety where he only wants me (the majority of the time), he loves his daddy & is constantly laughing when they play together, he takes 2 naps a day usually an hour and a half each or longer, sleeps 12 hours at night, eats 3 meals of solid food a day plus nursing every 3 hours and small snacks here and there, loves making fun noises with toys his mouth or banging things together, his current favorite noise is inhailing air while laughing (it's seriously hilarious, we call it the froggie noise), he loves feeding himself, he's our little water baby and we couldn't be more obsessed with him. We are approaching the time when he'll need his first hair cut and I'm pretty sad about it and trying to hold out until after his first birthday, well see how that goes. He has 8 teeth, got another new one last week so he has four on top and four on the bottom. Happy double digits little 10 month old peanut. Thank God u are a peanut, I couldn't handle u being any bigger!!!!
My husband got me a Canan Rebel camera for Mother's day so i've been playing around with it a ton this past week. I cant wait to show you all! But for now here are some pictures from this past month of him turning 10 months old (from my iphone camera roll)!
^^^Visiting the horsies in my old childhood neighborhood. Found a horsie with the same hair as Cash! Lol^^^
^^^he crawls under the bike to get to me..sneaky little guy. This is why i can barely work out these days. I guess ill have to start succumbing to bringing him with me to the gym^^^

^^^One of my favorite pictures of this guy.^^^
^^^My best friends baby gender reveal party. Its a girl!!!! I couldn't be happier for her! ^^^
^^^he is so fascinated with the ocean^^^
^^^and the sand^^^
^^^Lying in the grass feild watching the leaves on the trees move above us. He is just so precious, i never knew i could love a human the way i love him. Its a different kind of love than i love my husband with, or my parents with, its inexplainable & so beautiful.^^^
^^^this is his favorite spot. I feed him breakfast standing up right here, hes so ready to walk (mentally) he just doesnt have his balance down quite yet".^^^
^^^Mornings at the harbor with just my guy and i, sipping coffee, watching the people walk by and looking at the boats.^^^

^^^these two... ^^^
^^^we love the outdoors and sunshine..hiking in the hills behind our home^^^
^^^We squish his face daily with kisses...all. day. long.^^^
^^^I love those after nap eyes. Sleepy babe. He has been getting these weird red bumps that stay there a day or two and then they're gone. We think hes having an allergy to something but we've tried changing his detergent and now are doing the process of elimination with foods". It seems to come after being in the grass or the sun. We're not sure though, any of you mamas have something similar happen to your babes?^^^
^^^he loves mamas blueberry applesauce pancakes^^^
^^^my boyfriend^^^
^^^heres one picture from Hawaii, a little teaser.. i just want to remember that we went right before he turned 10 months old (thats the best part about having a blog! Its a great online memory book!)"
^^^my boys surprised me with flowers, starbucks and my favorite bagels in bed on mamas day. My husband always lets our son pick out the flowers and that just kills me!!! I could get flowers from these boys daily and melt every single time. Oh and in that pink bag is my new camera... the best gift that i have been longing for, for over a year!^^^
^^^Crawling toes^^^
^^^A party in our bed! Every single morning! Cannot wait to add 3 more little people to this fun!^^^
^^^Why not eat waffles on the floor nude? We love breakfast together. & i especially love a baby in a diaper^^^
^^^Daddys with their babies....So adorable^^^