A little Life LATELY
Life is good, really really good. BUSY, but just how you'd expect it to be with 2 babies who are less than 2 years apart. LoL. These two littles keep me going non stop all day long but they are the best gifts we could've ever asked for and im so so thankful God has chosen me to be their mama. Summer has been a blast, living outdoors with the exception of naps. I hope you all have been having a great summer as well!
Birthday date night at Vine in San Clemente with my husbands side of our family
^^^heartthrob.. im in trouble.^^^^
^^^ Swim lessons for this summer just began and this kid is kiiiiiiiilling it. Im so proud of him, we attempted this at 19 months and he wasnt comfortable yet, so im so glad now that hes just turned 3 he actually enjoys it now and is picking up on it quickly.^^^^
^^^Honestly when theyre playing together it makes me long for 6 babies. lol, not gunna happen but im just sayin its pretty much an instant heart warmer and makes me melt^^^^
^^^He really is wonderful with her, sharing, kissing, hugging, playing, and even tortures her sweetly, perfect big brother status right there.^^^
^^^sweetest and cutest ring bearer and flower girl in the universe at our friends wedding at the end of July.^^^^
^^^Meet Mowgli, our sweet little kitty. He was Cash's early 3rd birthday gift and we are all smitten with this guy^^^^
^^^On an adventure every single day with these two. At the end of our beach hike this guy insisted on being carried too, which was a hilarious sight to people passing by (see below).^^^
^^^Sometimes when packing for 3 people for vacation, mom forgets your socks (whoops)^^^
^^^Finding fun things to do in arrowhead, like using a ping pong paddle to play baseball^^^
^^^5 months ago.... 9 months old here. I might melt in half! ugh my heart!^^^
^^^Pretty much what summer has looked like every day^^^^