Last month we had a small little gender reveal get together with our families and a couple friends, we couldnt wait to find out who these 2 little people are! Twin boys! I can hardly believe it still! I thought for sure they were boy girl or girl girl, but im always usually off with my guesses. So its official, we have 3 boys and a little girl. This is our crew, our forever family, i've always wondered how many kids we'd have, who they'd be and who would complete our family. Its crazy to think come June we'll have the answer to all of those questions. Now if we could just know for certain if they are identical or fraternal?! Dr says most likely fraternal but theres a small chance for identical twins still even though they have their own sacs and placentas. Now on to the name game, it is soooo tough coming up with TWO boy names we love when we've already used our boy name for Cash. Send help..