Pregnancy Update: 19 Weeks

Our whole family went for lunch on Saturday at Cafe Rio. I had never gone here before but I absolutely loved it. Anything mexican will usually be a winner in my eyes! Heres a cute little snap shot of my beautiful niece Payten. Shes completely smitten and in love with my hubby, can you tell?! Together they melt my heart.
Hanging with my little nephew Canaan. He was 3 1/2 months old in this shot. Hes such a big boy! This was taken after lunch when my hubs and I went over my sisters house to visit with her little family. My baby boy and Canaan were just hanging out together.
My brother in law Carl gave my hubby our little boys first pair of kicks! Taylor was so happy to see that our son will be dresses just as cool as daddy.
Here is my other adorable nephew Parker and my little 19 week bump. Parker is Paytens little brother, my oldest sister's kids (Courtney). He seemed to have loved his meal at Cafe Rio just as much as this little preggo did.
This was taken at 19 weeks, 3 days tummy lying down looks so much more pronounced! Pretty neat how you can see right where the baby is!
My hubby had another show at the Roxy in Hollywood. They always kill it and put on a good show. His band is called Sons of The Damned, check them out on Youtube
Sons of the Damned performing at the Roxy Theatre, Hollywood CA
Exactly 19 weeks instagram shot.
This weekend on Sunday we went to register for our baby shower. We probably spent 3-4 hours there going through each section and each option. Then additionally, i went online and spent a few more hours deleting things off our registry and adding on new ones after doing a bit more research and asking around. Its always a good idea to ask other mommies for advice on products when it comes to our childrens safety. A few products I've been told are great are: B-Ready Britax (or the Uppababy vista) stroller, the Cloud B Sleep Sheep, Dr. Browns feeding bottles, Medela Breast Pump, a great jumper (they have so many options), the Fisher Price My Little SnuggaBunny Cradle n' Swing, and aden + anais swaddle blankets just to list a few of my favorite picks
We went tried out the Luxury Theatre called Cinepolis for the first time that Friday. It was so RAD. You lounge in these huge reclining chairs and are served by waiters. They have meals so you can order dinner, coffee, etc as well as the typical movie theatre options like candy and popcorn. So worth the extra money! A pregnant womans dream. You must try this at least once! We didnt know they served food so we had just eaten dinner and snuck in yogurtland. Next time we'll definitely eat there. We saw the movie Safe Haven, it was pretty good
I finally got to meet my little Michael Jayden. This is my best friends (kelly) baby boy! She had him almost a week ago and he is absolutely perfect. Its so beautiful to see her as a new mama. I cant wait to experience that!
19 Week Pregnancy Update:
I switched out of the jeans... lets just say maternity jeans are not the cutest for a bare belly shot. So here you have me in sweats instead (:
How far along: 19 weeks pregnant
Symptoms: Headaches more often this week. I have way more energy now!! WAHOO! I am starting to feel more like my old self again (its been so nice). I have lower back pain if i sit for more than 30 minutes and especially when i get into bed at night. I am hungry more this week, i think the baby is going through a big growth spurt (towards the end of 19 weeks) i just cant seem to get enough food in my tummy to feel full. I STILL need to be drinking more water!! (Dr. said 12, 8 ounce glasses). I am honestly the worst at this. I am lucky if I get 8 glasses. I havent really had any new symptoms.
Cravings: Sweets (cookies and ice cream this week). Edamame Hummus, green cold seedless grapes, navel oranges.
Adversions: None
Excited for: Feeling more of babies kicks! They have been small little ones but im dying to feel bigger kicks that my husband can feel
Movement: Yes! I felt him move at exactly 18 weeks in santa barbara and then 3 days later when we got home.
Belly button: Going flat and trying to poke out
Sleep: I have to sleep in the buff because anything touching my tummy feels restricting and uncomfortable. Getting up to pee only 1x nightly now!
Exercise: Its still really difficult! My right leg feels especially heavy, sort of numb, as though I have 50 lbs of added weight wrapped around my thigh. I even experienced this walkiing into church (WALKING) .. crazy, i dont know what it is but im guessing its due to the increase in blood moving throughout my body. Im still able to do cardio and light weights at the gym. I feel like ive done a good job of eating healthy (when the cravings arent taking over for pizza and ice cream lol) and I've tried my best to stay active and get movement at least 5 days a week. Im proud of myself because pregnancy is not a cake walk and you really do have to push yourself wayy more than when you are not pregnant. Work outs are so exhausting and the entire time you feel like you want to just go lay down in the bath tub and relax. I really look forward to having my body back after the baby and being able to move freely without feeling so lethargic and tired.
Missing this week: sushi, easy work outs.
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